Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Slot 6: Who to invite?

It can be difficult to come up with a list of names of people you should invite along to a BNI meeting. Pre-qualifiying people out of the loop can rule potentially great visitors before they even have a chance to come along and have a look.

As I mentioned previously - I've been using a sheet to track my success in inviting visitors along. At the moment my sheeet looks pretty empty and it started me wondering who I could possibly invite. A few names popped into my mind but I started to 'prequalify' them. In other words - I assumed that they would or would not be interested in attending the chapter. So its worth considering who exactly is worth inviting along.

1) Potential member: This is someone who lives or works in the area, who's slot is not represented and you could recommend. Bulseye.

2) Tourist: This is someone who may not want to join for various different reasons. Either you reckon the mornings would not suit them or they would not get any business. An example might be a priest. I'm not sure how many God fearing chistrians we have here - but its safe to assume that you are not going to referr your soul at 7am in the morning. However - down in cork last quarter - 3 priests did attend a meeting. They provided great contacts to the 'wedding mafia' in the chapter (photographer, event manager etc) and also recommended the meeting to a parishioner who then became a member.

3) Hunter: This is someone who comes along with the soul intention of promoting their business without buying into the gives gain mentality. That person may even be from another chapter. Their attitude is to try and hoover up as much work as possible and scat.

In short - we do want potential members and tourists - they are both really add to the meeting. The only people you want to discourage are hunters.

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